Increase Your TikTok SEO Results

October 5, 2022
Tristan D.
TikTok has become a place of discovery and information for users. Take advantage!

Get eyeballs on your content! Let RedTag handle your TikTok SEO. We’ll help you grow your business organically as a TikTok SEO Agency. We have the experience and the knowledge to get your video ranked.

RedTag, Your TikTok SEO Agency

In 2021, TikTok surpassed both Facebook and Google as the most visited website on the internet — but its popularity is no longer just tied to dance challenges and cute pet videos. With over 1 billion people signing in each month, it comes as no surprise that TikTok has become a place of discovery and information for users. In fact, nearly 40% of the Gen Z population prefers TikTok over Google for online searches. 

With a growing number of users turning to TikTok to find answers and discover new products, TikTok SEO is gaining popularity as a way for businesses to connect with new consumers in fun and creative ways. If you’re not already advertising on TikTok, now is the time to launch your brand with TikTok SEO and marketing strategies to boost awareness and increase sales for your business.  


Why Partner with RedTag to Increase Your TikTok SEO Results?

RedTag has been at the forefront of TikTok SEO. In July 2022, we were one of a select group of agencies that were invited to attend the first-ever small business TikTok workshop, held in Austin, Texas, with the TikTok team. Our team was trained on TikTok advertising best practices by world-class TikTok experts. We examined award-winning case studies and actually created videos with leading TikTok creators. 

We are also TikTok For Business Advertising partners. Leveraging our decades of experience in social media marketing and advertising, we are committed to providing the best results possible for our clients in maximizing their investment in TikTok SEO.

There are many advertising agencies out there that claim to be TikTok SEO experts, but we will let our results speak for themselves. Time and time again, we have helped our clients go viral on TikTok and increase their sales.

If you’re considering if TikTok is right for your business, continue reading below for insights into how our TikTok SEO services can help you grow your business.   

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