Appalachian Triangle

RedTag launched the Appalachian Triangle brand, transforming Southeastern Kentucky's image from overlooked to a must-visit adventure tourism destination, showcasing its natural beauty and cultural richness.

Shift in Perspective

From concept to launch, driving a new narrative for Kentucky’s hidden gem.

Reimagining Southeastern Kentucky

Vision and Strategy

The Appalachian Triangle represents a pinnacle in regional rebranding, masterfully executed by RedTag in partnership with local tourism boards. Our mission was transformative: to reshape perceptions of an area often associated with economic challenges into a destination celebrated for its natural beauty and rich cultural tapestry.

Brand Identity

We crafted a brand identity that resonates with adventure and discovery. The tagline "Wander Yonder" serves as both an invitation and a call to action, urging travelers to explore the undiscovered gems of the region.

Data-Driven Approach

At RedTag, our branding and messaging strategies are rooted in comprehensive research:

  • Extensive data collection and analysis inform every decision
  • Market trends, consumer behavior, and regional statistics guide our creative process
  • Focus groups and surveys ensure our messaging resonates with target audiences
  • Continuous monitoring and adjustment based on real-time data
  • This data-backed approach ensures that our creative solutions are not just innovative, but also effective and relevant

Impact on Tourism

Through strategic brand positioning, we've successfully:

  • Ignited a boom in adventure tourism
  • Highlighted the region's diverse attractions, from scenic vistas to charming small towns
  • Positioned the Appalachian Triangle as a premier destination in Kentucky's tourism landscape

Video Production

Our campaign's centerpiece is a compelling video that captures the essence of the Appalachian Triangle:

  • Fully produced by RedTag, from concept to final edit
  • Showcased across traditional and digital channels
  • Generated millions of brand impressions
  • Features a custom soundtrack by a local artist
  • Authentic representation through collaborations with local vendors and venues


The Appalachian Triangle project demonstrates the transformative power of strategic branding:

  • Shifted regional narratives from hardship to opportunity
  • Drove economic growth through increased tourism
  • Established a new identity for southeastern Kentucky
  • Created a model for regional rebranding initiatives

This rebranding effort has not just changed perceptions; it has redefined possibilities for the entire region, marking a true renaissance for this slice of Appalachia. Our data-backed strategies ensure that this success is not just a flash in the pan, but a sustainable transformation built on solid insights and measurable results.

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