J&H Outdoors

J&H partnered with our agency to expand into the national e-commerce market and enhance their online presence.

150% Increase!

Online sales soared by 150% after our rebranding and digital marketing efforts

Going National

J&H Outdoors faced the challenge of expanding into the national e-commerce market with a limited online presence. Our agency conducted thorough market research and competition analysis to develop a comprehensive rebranding strategy. This strategy included updating J&H Outdoors' vision, mission, color palette, logo, website, and marketing materials to better reflect their brand identity and message.

With the rebranding strategy in place, our team implemented a targeted digital marketing campaign to enhance J&H Outdoors' online visibility and reach. As a result of our efforts, J&H Outdoors successfully expanded into the national e-commerce market, witnessing increased customer engagement and sales, and solidifying their position as a leading outdoor store in the market.

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